Saturday, 12 October 2013

Great with Bread: Houmous

Always wanting to eat Bread; I'm more than happy to have it with every meal - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.
Still quite a novice at bread baking;  but knowing a thing or two about using a Blender; this week has been the start of my "why we don't?" period. Introducing a health-conscious Italian partner to some of my favourite snacking foods is both a pleasure and a risk. Whenever I pop open a jar of something to be dipped in; the initial squirmy face is followed with surprise at how enjoyable it is and then the inevitable "why we don't make this tomorrow?" So instead of being able to enjoy a quick snack, I now have the pleasure of making it myself - from scratch.
The latest no-longer-snack item that I've been coerced into making is Houmous.
Although, I can't say I'm sorry. Since discovering how easy and quick it is, and how much better it tastes, I'm now more than eager to bring out the blender and make a batch of Houmous.

Today was the ultimate. After forgoing the Tahini on my previous attempt; I understood why it is very much a necessary part of Houmous. I think I use the standard recipe but here it is for those who've never tried it:

  • 1 can or jar of biological Houmous
  • The juice of half a full-sized Lemon
  • 1 clove of Garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of Tahini (Sesame Paste)
  • 1 teaspoon of Salt
  • 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil
I can't say enough how delicious are all these things when  thrown into a blender together. So simple, so perfect, so texturally great.
As a lover of rustic bread in the baguette or round loaf style; it is always my first choice as an edible dipping instrument for Houmous.
This with a homemade Greek Salad was my very filling, very fresh lunch today.

The Bread Loaver